7th November 2022 In celebration of Youth Work Week 2022, we wanted to celebrate our young people and all things youth work. This was a time for us to Thank everyone who supports The Rock Youth Project, from amazing youth workers, volunteers and our young people who without we would not be who we are. We asked our young people …
Mark Masons Hall donation of £87,528 helped us reach our new build fundraising target!
3rd October 2022 We’ve only gone and done it! We have reached our fundraising target to replace our current old well used bowling huts with a new, much more practical youth club. We are still so shocked, speechless and extremely grateful to Marks Masons Hall for an extraordinarily generous donation of £87,528. Also not forgetting a massive thank you to …
Asda U18 Grant
We would like to say a massive thankyou to Asda and Asda Community Champion Leanne for granting us £750. This money will help us to provide resources for sessions, including cooking supplies, arts and craft materials and sports equipment.
Fundraising Event at Carlisle Racecourse raises over £7000.
7th July 2022- Massive Thanks to Rachel Bell Wealth Management who hosted us for a fundraising day at Carlisle Racecourse. It was a brilliant sunny day which saw over £7000 raised towards our new build project.
Summer Family Fun Day Raised £1001.73
5th August 2022, we hosted a family fun day, welcoming everyone in the community the opportunity to celebrate 15 years of The Rock Youth Project. Massive THANKYOU to everyone who attended we had over 200 people support us, helping us to raise over £1000! We could not have done it without you. Some of the days activities included: Facepainting BBQ …
England Vs France Rugby League World Cup Match
Thanks to Street Games UK on the 22nd October 2022 we had the opportunity to take a group of young people to watch England VS France world cup game at University of Bolton Stadium. This was the first time many of our young people had been to a rugby match. They all had such an amazing time, plus England won …